Registering a domain is the first step towards establishing an online presence, but it comes with the requirement to provide personal information. Understanding why this information is necessary and how it's protected is crucial for anyone looking to register a domain. This article explains the reasons behind the requirement for personal information and introduces our ID Protection (Whois Privacy) service as a measure to protect your privacy.

The Importance of Providing Personal Information:

  1. Identification and Responsibility:

    • Accountability: Personal information establishes legal ownership and accountability for the domain, which is essential in disputes or legal matters.
    • Communication: Registrars use contact details for critical communications related to domain management, including renewal reminders and security notices.
  2. Compliance with Regulations:

    • ICANN Policies: The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) mandates the collection of registrant details for a secure and stable internet.
    • Legal Obligations: Compliance with laws governing online activities necessitates the collection of personal information to prevent misuse of domains.
  3. Domain WHOIS Directory:

    • Transparency: The WHOIS directory lists domain owner details, facilitating legitimate uses such as intellectual property rights enforcement and addressing cybersecurity issues.
  4. Dispute Resolution:

    • Personal information aids in resolving ownership disputes and is pivotal in legal actions involving the domain.

Balancing Privacy with Compliance:

While the collection of personal information is non-negotiable for compliance and security reasons, we understand the importance of privacy. To address this, we offer an ID Protection (Whois Privacy) service for all Top-Level Domains (TLDs) as an add-on.

ID Protection (Whois Privacy) Service:

  • Privacy Protection: Our ID Protection service masks your personal information in the WHOIS directory, replacing it with anonymous details. This keeps your personal information out of public view while still ensuring compliance with ICANN and legal requirements.
  • Maintaining Compliance: Opting for ID Protection does not waive the requirement to provide accurate personal information. It simply adds a layer of privacy, ensuring your details are not publicly accessible.
  • Availability: This service is available for all TLDs, providing broad coverage for your privacy needs.

How It Works:

  • Upon Domain Registration: Choose the ID Protection add-on to have your personal information shielded in the WHOIS database.
  • Transparency and Security: Your actual details remain accessible to the registrar and, when necessary, to legal authorities, ensuring accountability while protecting your privacy from the public.


Providing personal information is a critical aspect of domain registration, required for legal, operational, and security purposes. With our ID Protection (Whois Privacy) service, you can meet these requirements without compromising your privacy. This service exemplifies our commitment to balancing robust internet governance with the privacy needs of our clients.

Protect your personal information and maintain peace of mind while establishing your online presence by opting for our ID Protection service at the time of domain registration.

If you have any questions regarding these requirements or ID Protection, please feel free to contact support.

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