We block several outbound ports for network security.

Blocked by default

You may request these blocks be removed by opening a support ticket.

  • TCP port 25 (SMTP)
  • TCP & UDP port 137 (NetBIOS Name Service)
  • TCP & UDP port 138 (NetBIOS Datagram)
  • TCP & UDP port 139 (NetBIOS Session)
  • TCP & UDP port 445 (SMB over TCP)
  • TCP port 1688 (Microsoft Key Management Server, inbound only)

Permanently blocked

These ports are commonly abused for DDOS attacks. These blocks are permanent and cannot be removed.

  • TCP & UDP port 17
  • TCP & UDP port 19
  • TCP & UDP port 1900
  • UDP port 53413
  • UDP port 11211

We also filter RFC1918 address ranges on public network interfaces.

  • through (10/8 prefix)
  • through (172.16/12 prefix)
  • through (192.168/16 prefix)
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